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Q4 2023 Market Report
The Monterey Peninsula experienced pressure on both the entry level and luxury end of the market. The number of home sales and sales volume were both down 20% when compared to last quarter, and when comparing 2023 to 2022, home sales were down 19% while total sales volume was down 24%.
While the entry level market was slower largely due to increased interest rates, the higher end of the market was impacted due to macro-economic uncertainty and geopolitical concerns.
While Buyer activity was low in Q4 and into the holidays, it is already picking up come mid-January. That activity should also prompt stagnant Sellers, all of which will create a stronger market heading into 2024.
For a more detailed look at how the nine markets across the Monterey Peninsula fared in Q4 2023, click below.

#3 small team
in carmel
According to Real Trends
and as advertised in the Wall Street Journal
IN 2022
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